Leader in virtual health services and solutions since 2019

Our Vision: Increase access to high quality services and improve student outcomes
Our Mission: Solve the challenges in Special Education and Mental Health with flexible staffing solutions packaged with cutting edge technology

Early Intervention Starts Here: Introducing MIYO Universal Screening Platform
Identify at-risk students early, streamline intervention, and empower educators to support student well-being.

Our Solutions

Universal Screening Platform
85+ screeners
5 mins to set up
SIS/LMS integration
Identify Tier II & III, Suicide Risk
Track and measure the efficacy of programs and student progress

Mental Health Documentation Platform
360 Student view
SIS/LMS integration
Service Delivery
Integrated video
Clinical assessments &
Treatment plans
Progress monitoring

Staffing & Support
5,000+ talent pool
Cross certification
National hiring
Identify Gaps, KPI’s
Training, Best practices
Mental Health Solutions



Some of our Valued Partners

IEP Management System
Track IEP goals and progress
HIPAA and FERPA compliant
Increased provider productivity by 30%
Track compensatory minutes, documentation of session progress, and more!

Services & Support
Access a network of 5,000+ providers
Services delivered via TeleTherapy
Nationwide hiring and cross-licensing available
Operational & Clinical Support
Case management, evaluations,
ESY, compensatory services

Medicaid Reimbursment
Boost Medicaid reimbursement revenue
Automated medicaid billing reports